Svalbard Expedition 2022

In 2019, after 5 years of intensive preparations, we made a successful expedition with our sailing boat Midnight Blue to the Spitsbergen shores. We become the first Czech crew to do so with a fibreglass sailboat. However, breaking records was not the aim of the cruise. The main objectives were the collection of seawater samples to determine the concentration of microplastics and to point out climate warming and the effects of (plastic) pollution on the planet.


As a reward, we have many unforgettable memories not just in the form of watching herds of fin whales counting several tens to hundreds, jumping humpback whales, watching walruses in their natural environment, adrenaline overnight anchoring near the breaking glacier wall, long days with the never-setting sun, but also in adrenaline associated with demanding sailing in the harsh conditions of the Arctic Ocean, where we did not see any sign of civilization for several days and had to rely on each other and our own abilities, the landing parties and hikes to the mainland when we had to be wary of polar bears and many other adventures.


Without exaggeration, all this has changed our lives. The experiences were so strong that, even more, than a year from an expedition now single day does not pass when without recall. We have felt the touch of nature's beauty which found its way into our hearts and minds. We decided to give the opportunity to experience these unique feelings to other people and for 2023 we are preparing a big return. With more experience and the same determination, we will once again head off deep beyond the Arctic Circle, and the main objective of the voyage will be further exploring the local nature for the presence of microplastics, waste collection and as such, the entire expedition will serve to promote sustainable ways of life.


The expedition is currently in a state of preparation and looking for those who are interested join the crew. Therefore, any information regarding its organization should be taken as preliminary.


We would also like to draw your attention to the exclusive expedition nature of this sailing trip. As such, it should be taken into account that both the organization and, above all, the voyage itself requires a good deal of adaptability and improvisation if circumstances require so.


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Few photos from places where we sail